Wednesday 18 November 2015

Perfect Use of Weight Lifting Belts?

So you want to use a weight lifting belt! There is a lot of debate as to whether one really benefits from using a weight belt. There are a lot of misconceptions about it and below clears it up for you.

Weight belts really help reduce the stress on the spine while lifting weights. Weightlifting belts can successfully prevent the possibility of the spine's collapse in the event that you exert excessive pressure on the spine when power lifting.

Simultaneously, you will improve your lift performance. As a result weight lifting belts are very useful among power lifters since the tightness and the thickness of a weight lifting belt wrapped around your waist can exert pressure on your intra- abdomen. This is known to result in stability around the core and thus allow a power lifter to life more weight.

Just bear in mind that not everyone needs a weight lifting belt right away.

As a beginner, most lifters are advised to get the form right and then focus on the weights. In practicing the form, your body and muscles get acclimated to the strain on your body and learn from the Impact via the brains motor learning mechanism.  Weight lifting naturally requires the person to learn to use his or her core to stabilize the body when lifting. Over time with sufficient practice, the body's motor functioning learns how the different muscle groups of the abdomen should appropriately contract and squeeze in the correct manner when a person is lifting. Once your body has experienced that level of motor learning, you can focus on increasing the weight, thus requiring a weight lifting belt.

In giving you time to get Weight Lifting Belts for Power Lifters provides your body with sufficient time to develop itself to various lifting stresses and motor learning. Once accomplished, you can make use of weightlifting belts to focus on safely increasing the weight.

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